Monday, November 14, 2011

Should the U.S. be a model universal nation?

Should the U.S. be a model universal nation?
There are many people who long to come to America to catch their dream. In my opinion, America could be both positive and negative model universal nation.Everyone knows the positive model with democracy and equality for all. As I said and seen from illegal immigration, many people want to come to America to live their dreams.
But we must remember there is negative too. I lived for several years in Los Angeles and remember the bad traffic. America does not have such good transportation system as Japan. And there are too many guns. Also many could not believe why America went to Iraq for war. Is a model universal nation doing this?
So I think that U.S. should be a model nation and maybe is best compared to China or Russia. It has negative problems which have to be solved for being model universal nation.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

My immigration expreicences

This is the third time for me to stay for a long term in U.S.  The first place was the west part of L.A., West Hollywood, located right next Beverly Hills. The second was a capital city of Michigan, Lansing. Now I am here in Minneapolis.
I worked in a medical equipment company as an IT manager for a long time. At one point I realized that I needed more skills in computer and English to work more efficiency and to satisfy the requirements of my job. Speaking frankly, I always skipped and got "F"s in English and MATH when I was in a high school. Somewhat recklessly, I quit the company and came here to learn computer technologies in English. Because I do not want to cause my parents a lot of worry, I have not told the truth to my family that I quitted my job and go to school to learn. They still believe that I am working in the U.S. as an IT engineer. Due to a lack of my English skill and my personality that feel small, I still feel uncomfortable to live here. I don't know how it will go, but I am just going to try my best to achieve my goal.